Why $0 Stock Commissions Aren’t Everything

Do this instead…

Unpopular opinion:

$0 stock commission fees aren’t the holy grail 🍷of investing.

*Growth stock opportunities* just outside of your comfort zone are.

“My tried & true Coca-cola stock that my risk-averse friend recommended is up 30% (6% a year) since 2019.”

Is way less appetizing than

“My smartphone bestseller Apple stock that my tech friend recommended is up 272% since 2019 and still growing!

And you can buy all the Coca-cola cans you & your family could ever want from selling some of your Apple shares and still not run out of stock. Let thy cup runneth over and quench thy thirst. Invest in growth.



Jabari Holloway

Will probably blog about life and insights - anything I learn along the way to help people in their journey